In February important updates - dividend, bonus and stock split information What is Dividend - Dividend is the payout to shareholders and it is done by company on profit earned, this would be released quarterly. What is Bonus issue of shares - Bonus issue is announced by company for issuing bonus shares on shareholders having shares. Like 1:1 ratio if one share having in portfolio on record date, then one bonus share will be added in portfolio. For example for 10 shares 1 share is bonus allotted, if share holder has less than 10 shares then that time fractional shares will be allotted and payment would be done for this fractional shares.( Fractional shares means less than one share that is like 0.67) What is Stock split - stock split is a corporate action on the stock, here stock will be split on ratio based on face value, if face value is Rs 10 and split is Rs 10 to Rs 5 then one share will be debited and two shares will be credited. Shareholder should ha...